GCIS INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING: Australian terrorist threat to airports

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: Herald Sun

09February2011 8:58amEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: A GROUP of Australians who are believed to be at terrorist training Australian forces terrorist trainingcamps in Yemen pose a threat to airport security, a security expert has warned.

ABC Television's Foreign Correspondent has reported that 22 Australians have gone missing in Yemen and are believed to be at al-Qaeda training camps.

Heading up the al-Qaeda regime in Yemen is an American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki who the ABC reported has been dubbed the Osama bin Laden of the internet.

Al-Awlaki has been allegedly involved in a number of terrorist attacks and in his internet sermons - delivered in perfect English - he preaches contempt for non-believers. (read full report)




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