Special Report on National Security and Defense, Terrorism and Worldwide Freedom and Human Rights by Lisa Curtis
ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center
SOURCE: The Heritage Foundation
10February2011 11:19amEST
GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: Promoting democracy and liberty around the world has long been a core component of U.S. foreign policy. After its initial efforts to distance itself from the Bush Administration’s policies, the Obama Administration seems to be reaffirming the U.S. commitment to supporting democratic ideals and institutions around the globe. Such efforts are particularly important in Muslim-majority countries because the principles of liberal democratic governance are a powerful antidote to Islamist extremists’ message of intolerance, hatred, and repression. The Obama Administration needs to prioritize the promotion of democracy and individual freedom both to extend the blessings of freedom to other countries and to protect U.S. national security. (read full report)
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