ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: Amnesty International

11February2011 8:48amEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: Amnesty International has urged the Mexican authorities to Amnesty Internationalinvestigate the whereabouts of three relatives of a murdered human rights activist who were abducted this week.

The abductions follow the killing of activist Josefina Reyes by unidentified gunmen in January 2010. Her brother Rubén Reyes was also shot dead last year.

Their sister Malena Reyes, brother Elías Reyes and Elías' wife Luisa Ornelas were kidnapped by armed men east of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua state, on Monday.

"We are gravely worried that Malena, Elías and Luisa are at risk of suffering the same fate as Ruben and Josefina Reyes, who appears to have been killed for daring to speak out against the explosion of violence in Mexico," said Rupert Knox, Mexico researcher at Amnesty International. (read full report)



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