ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center
SOURCE: Homeland Security NewsWire
02April2011 1:30pmEST
GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: Everyone knows what the Libyan rebels are against -- Gaddafi -- but there is no way tell what they are for; this lack of information is not good; first, the United States and its allies may be pushing for the replacement of the devil we know with the devil we do not know; this is akin to giving Michael Phelps a three body length advantage at a swim meet: not a good idea; second, the lack of knowledge about the rebels is like a Rorschach test: outsiders look at them and see what they want to see; Jonathan Swift suggests that impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies; should we consider a Swiftian solution to problem of securing the U.S.-Mexico border? (read full report)